Kapanga Kaumātua Flats
CILT currently has 14 pensioner flats located near the centre of the town, 200 metres from shops and healthcare and social services. Seven of the flats are bedsits that were purchased from the Thames Coromandel District Council in 2008 through the use of the Housing Innovation Fund from Housing New Zealand Corporation. The other seven are one bedroom purpose built dwellings completed by CILT in 2012. The flats are provided for people aged over 60 years with limited assets and low incomes who are able to live independently.
Download and Application form Here, or visit us at The Resource Centre - 45 Tiki Road Coromandel.

History of the Kapanga Kaumātua Flats

Original Pensioner Flats 1 to 3 at 505 Kapanga Road, Coromandel

New Pensioner Flats 12 to 14 at 505 Kapanga Road, Coromandel
CILT was requested by the Coromandel-Colville Community Board to acquire the pensioner flats from the Thames-Coromandel District Council. CILT continued to work in partnership with the New Zealand Housing Foundation and Housing New Zealand Corporation to provide more quality, affordable housing, and intended to broaden the eligibility criteria to include those with disabilities, those on low incomes and the elderly. CILT's aim was to construct eight new flats in partnership with Housing New Zealand.
A part-time coordinator for the Housing Project was employed, renamed Well Housed Coromandel. As a result of the Long Term Community Consultation Plan, Thames-Coromandel District Council agreed to dispose of the pensioner flats in Kapanga Road. A new office for Coromandel On Track/Huarahi Ora and WellHoused Coromandel opened at 41 Wharf Road, Coromandel. CILT was awarded a Community Development Project and employed a full-time coordinator. This was a three-year project, with a possibility of a fourth merit year through the Department of Internal Affairs. The Trustee/Manager, Michael Noonan, retired as a trustee from Social Services Waikato Trust after five years. He also finished his term on the Council of Community Housing Aotearoa Inc. (CHAI).
TCDC sold the pensioner housing to CILT, and as a result Well-housed Coromandel was granted three years of funding from Enterprising Communities and a full-time coordinator was employed to implement the Housing Strategy.
In a partnership with Housing New Zealand Corporation and Thames Coromandel District Council, CILT accessed funding to build 7 pensioner units on an adjacent site to the existing pensioner units it acquired in 2007.
Plans were drawn up for the 7 new one-bedroom units for older people to be constructed at the rear of the existing pensioner flats at 505 Kapanga Road.
TCDC agreed to upgrade the storm water & waste water systems at the Kapanga Flats. The retro-fitting of the existing pensioner flats continued.
Construction commenced and finished on the Kapanga Pensioner Flats and a potential new project for social housing was identified. Flats 1 to 7 were painted.
CILT achieved Pre-Qualification status as a Community Housing Provider.
A new fence and gate were built at the Kapanga Road entrance to the flats and concreting was completed for Resource Consent requirements.
WINTEC completed a study on social and affordable housing in the Upper Coromandel Peninsula for CILT.
CILT supported new tenants to access the recently developed government Income Rent Related Subsidy (IRRS).
CILT successfully applied for full registration as a Community Housing Provider
A large carport was built between Flats 3 and 4, to provide cover for the Coromandel Community Services Trust minibus.