The Bizarre Community Grants Scheme
The Bizarre Community Grants Scheme is to support projects and activities that benefit the social, cultural, and environmental well-being of people within the Coromandel-Colville Ward.
We have two funding pools - a Community Grant Scheme and a Discretionary Fund.
The Community Grant Scheme is for groups and organisations, with one funding round each year.
The Discretionary Fund is for individuals in need and can be applied for at any time of the year.
The application period for The Bizarre Community Grants Scheme will close on the 31st of March 2025.
Who Can Apply
Community Grant Scheme
Grants are for not-for-profit groups and organisations delivering projects, activities and services that benefit the Coromandel - Colville community and make a positive difference to peoples’ lives.
Discretionary Fund
A small discretionary fund is for whanau and individuals requiring immediate financial support for schooling, recreation, or cultural activities. Individuals may apply for themselves or on behalf of someone else. The maximum amount you can apply for in this fund is $200.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
- Live in the Coromandel - Colville Ward
- Demonstrate the need for the specific request.
- Describe how this grant will benefit the community and make a positive difference to peoples lives within the Coromandel-Colville area. (if applying for the Community Grants Scheme)
- Priority will be given to applications that have limited funding options and resources.
- Community Grants Scheme funding to be spent by Dec 31of the year received.
- Funding is for projects - or a specific part of a project - which begins after April 1st of the year received
- Projects already started
- Services or activities that promote commercial, political or religious activities
- Projects that do not benefit the community or enhance well-being
- Ongoing expenses or wages
- Items already purchased
- Items where other funding is available
- Activities that are contrary to the policies of CILT, or an activity which is deemed to be unlawful
How To Apply
There are three ways to apply.
After choosing which fund to apply for, you can either:
Option A. Use the online form which is submitted automatically.
Option B. Download the application form, then either drop it to us at Te Pūtahi Whaiora or email it as a PDF to grants@cilt.org.nz.
Option C. Pick up a paper copy at The Bizarre - Coromandel Resale shop, or Te Pūtahi Whaiora, 150 Pound Street, Coromandel. Return it to Te Pūtahi Whaiora once completed.
Application Forms
Community Grants Scheme
Discretionary Fund
Return your completed application to:
Printed copy:
Te Pūtahi Whaiora, 150 Pound Street, Coromandel.
Digital PDF
2024 Recipients
In 2024 a total of $25,000 was allocated to 12 groups
Boot Scootin' Coromandel |
Hall hire for line dancing group. |
$500.00 |
Colville Bay Pre-School |
Building repairs. |
$2500.00 |
Coromandel Rugby Football & Sports Club |
Furniture and baby change table for club. |
$1932.59 |
Thrive Coromandel |
Alterations to information center space. |
$2400.00 |
Coville Junction |
Composting toilet for their native plant nursery. |
$1500.00 |
Coromandel Community Preschool |
Alterations to their outdoor play area space. |
$4802.88 |
Colville Tennis Club |
Rebuilding club house building. |
$1283.00 |
Coromandel Players | To go towards new seating in the theatre. | $2000.00 |
Coromandel Area School | Equipment and material for mural painting. | $4000.00 |
Coromandel Gymnastics Club | Equipment for gymnastics lessons. | $2475.00 |
Te Roopu Tautoko o Haurataunga | Materials to create a community korowai. | $550.00 |
Coromandel Archers | To purchase bows and targets. | $1056.53 |
2023 Recipients
In 2023 a total of $10,000 was allocated to 14 groups
Coromandel Rugby Football & Sports Club |
Furniture for the junior rugby teams and garden shed storage. |
$2000.00 |
Coro Superstars |
The entire process, from planning, writing, rehearsing, creating and sourcing the setting, costumes and props, to putting on the various performances through the year. |
$2000.00 |
Coromandel Gymnastics Club |
Used to purchase a Flexi Roll, Junior 3 Spring Lite Board and an Intermediate Beat Board. |
$2000.00 |
Te Roopu Tautoko o Harataunga |
For prizes, t-shirts, props, team challenges, posters, promotion and advertising. |
$1000.00 |
Coromandel Community Library |
Funding for book, author and alphabetical dividers. |
$1636.00 |
Coromandel School of Mines & Historical Society |
Reshaping of a boundary hedge. This is needed as the hedge is now too high, too wide and bending over. It is a job needed doing which is beyond the members of the museum to do. |
$391.00 |
Colville Community Health Trust |
Funding for hard drives and installation, storage backup systems, and an additional printer to replace an older, incompatible one in the Practice Manager's office. |
$973.00 |
2022 Recipients
In 2022 a total of $27,000 was allocated to 14 groups
Harataunga Marae Trust |
A celebration of tuku whenua between Hauraki iwi & Ngati Porou ki Hauraki. |
$4000 |
Habitat Tuateawa |
Cameras to monitor predators in the area of native bush that is undergoing trapping. |
$1500 |
Coromandel School of Mines and Historical Society Incorporated |
Relocate an old dairy from Colonial Cottages to Coromandel Museum site. |
$2000.00 |
Coromandel Community Library Incorporated |
Equipment upgrade |
$2000 |
Our Shed, Coromandel Age Friendly Group |
Our Shed is organising guest speakers, get togethers and Qi Gong workshops for members of our mature Coromandel community. |
$500 |
Coromandel Youth Support Association Inc./Coromandel Youth Group |
Outdoor Games and New Scooter Wheels. |
$683 |
Te Roopu Tautoko |
Whanau Feud: (a community quiz and games day) at the local Harataunga marae with food and non-alcoholic refreshments. |
$1,000 |
Colville School |
Further funding for the storage of our produce, further soil top up, a wheelbarrow and wet weather gear for children who cannot afford it. |
$1,000 |
Colville Bay Preschool |
Ceiling mounted electric heaters. |
$1599 |
Youth Sailing Academy Colville (inc) |
Electric Outboard |
$3000 |
Coromandel Community Preschool |
PVC blinds for outdoor area. |
$3000 |
Coromandel Fire Brigade |
Emergency communications equipment. |
$5000 |
Thrive Coromandel Trust |
To purchase and install a Daikin heat pump/air conditioner in the Coromandel Town Information Centre. |
1,000.00 |
Colville Community Health Trust | Purchase of essential medical equipment. | 817.00 |
2021 Recipients
In 2021 a total of $24,987 was allocated to 16 groups
Coromandel Embroiders Guild |
Tutor and hall hire for embroidery workshops. |
$450.00 |
Papa Aroha Community Pilates group |
Exercise bands for weekly community Pilates |
$167.52 |
Combined Clubs of Coromandel Inc |
Refurnish the new extension to the CCC rooms, including basin and toilet in the disabled toilet area. Tables and Chairs, Small Freezer and Bowls Carriers
$3000.00 |
Coromandel School of Mines & Historical Society |
Dehumidifier for historic document storage |
$199.99 |
Coromandel School of Mines & Historical Society |
Cabinet for Replica of Coromandel ship |
$350.00 |
Coromandel Community Preschool |
New tables and chairs for children to be able to all eat together under supervision to promote our Healthy Eating Policy. |
Coromandel Playcentre Outdoor area upgrade |
Boxes and Planks set |
$2,000.00 |
Te Roopu Tautoko o Harataunga |
Towards 3 post-COVID-19 community events to reconnect our community. Focussed on tamariki, kaumatua, and whanau
$1,000.00 |
Colville Bay Preschool |
A rainwater tank for our facility, plus a plumbing equipment required to construct a water-wall for the enjoyment and education of our tamariki. |
Coromandel Youth Group/Coromandel Youth Support Association |
Road Crossing Safety Signs so children attending Youth Group can cross the road safely to and from the Hauraki Reserve Park/playground. |
$1,438.95 |
Colville School |
towards raised gardens to start a Garden to Table learning programme |
Colville Community Health Trust |
Upgrade of computer equipment and the replacement of office furniture
$677.00 |
Upper Coromandel Forest & Bird Weed and pest control in the Long Bay reserve |
Purchase of traps
$1,000.00 |
The Colville Green Canteen |
Towards delivering free healthy lunches to students at Colville School |
$700.00 |
Coromandel Area School |
Two new water fountains/bottle filling stations |
$4,000.00 |
Harataunga/Kennedy Bay Predator Control Rōpu Incorporated |
Kura based workshops and traps to teach tamariki skills in trapping through their pūtaiao (science) curriculum
$4000.00 |